Factoria Exclusiva de Mexico is a company devoted to provide the best agroindustrial products Mexico has to offer to the world. We specialize in Coffee, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Agave Syrup, Pecan Nut, Nopal and its derivates. We have a dynamic team to source, select, packaging and make logistics easy to our clients. We can help you during all the process to produce your private label with unique and specific requirements required by your market country.
Our goal is always to fulfill customer requirements by manufacturing or providing wholasale and private label products that can deliver quality and profitability to our client business. We are hands and eyes for our clients in mexican vast agro industrial supply market.
The minimum amount of production depends of the product and package. In this step, product type, package content and important considerations regarding food legislation are considerated.

In Factoria Exclusiva de Mexico we suggest the most convential option to deliver the final product, however, clients can also arrange their own logistics process.

Setting Up
We develop a private label according to customer specifications following the current legislation. In this step, we provide our clients different product samples.

Packing and Packaging Desing
Our designers create artworks to send and to be approved by our client, after the client approves the recipe and package of the product.

Testing For First Production
When all the product elements are approved, we make the first production accompanied by multiple qualified employees to assure the end result meets the clients standards.


Our avocado oil is widely used in the healthcare industry, even as a food supplement for restaurants and hotels due to its healing and subtle properties. Avocado oil provides differentiation in flavors beign a less harmful oil than traditional. We contact our avocado suppliers so we can get the best oil with the best avocados.

We offer the possibility of making the pure agave of the mexican pencas in a rich and delicious syrup to taste. Agave syrup waters down easily and is sweeter than sugar, in adittion, is gluten free and can be used as an ingredient or raw material. We work closely with our customers to offer the agave syrup that the customer needs according to the degree of sweetness desired.

Nopal flour is a healthy option if you want to taste a food that involves its preparation with flour made from opuntia ficus indica nopal. The nopal flour has a green caracteristic color, reduces blood glucose levels and favors the control of leukemia and diabetes. It's an excellent substitute for conventional flour, being this more beneficial.